

Check our FAQs or message us!

Already have a booking with us?  If you're a client, performer or supplier who's currently in our diary you can log on to your Event Planner and view/edit your important info like timing schedules, music choices and more!

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  • I don't want to book loads of options, can you help with just one or two?

    We can indeed!  Maybe you'd only like a DJ, or perhaps just a dancefloor sorting for you - whatever it is, no matter how big or small, we can help!

  • What if I've picked too many options for my budget?

    We'll be honest with you from the start.  If you've picked loads of performers and suppliers but your budget isn't going to stretch far enough, we'll tell you why and let you know the going rates, so together we can work out what's best suited for you.

  • Will they be checked, tested & insured?

    We try to police this as best as possible.  Our performers and suppliers must provide evidence of cover for any legal requirements when they sign up with us, and are contracted to keep things up to date.  If it's seen as best practice rather than being a legal requirement, some of the low-cost options may not have such in place whereas the higher-priced ones usually do.

  • What if they are late or don't show up?

    Thankfully this hasn't happened yet!  Since all the performers and suppliers have their own individual contracts, your agreement will be them them rather than us.  We will of course do our best to make things right, whether that be with them or by getting cover sorted for you, but any refunds and court cases will be based on their contract with you.  We will assist where we can in regards to providing evidence etc, from a non-biased and impartial position.

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